








Freeter will be laughed and laughed like today

This time, it is a 26 -year -old part -time worker, today, M man.Today is 165 cm tall and the size of the foot is 27 cm.It is a heavy smoker that sucks about 2 boxes a day, with a cute atmosphere.It was a relationship with today for a long time, and when I had the same workplace before, I felt that I was sometimes called by the sexual treatment of a strong libido.When I was a colleague, I couldn’t say that I was a pervert, but I noticed that I was just looking at the sole of today, and I found that it was a de M.She was originally like S, but after knowing her propensity, she became more de S and seemed to be fun to play with a miserable M man.While discipline, the words of teaching M men are exposed and corrected to become her favorite dog.This time, I went to the hotel after dating today’s shopping, but I walked around and stepped on my face with a stuffy sock and sprayed a cigarette.The weak nipples are already suppressed, and it is irresistible to be licked with a thick, soft tongue.Today, I like deep kisses, and if the bad breath of the cigarette after smoking a cigarette is stuck in the mouth, I get excited about it.After that, you can step on your head and face with big feet.It is a favorite to step on the face, and the soles are slapped on the face many times without merciless, and the room is tremendous.After being killed, the face is a bit swollen enough to swell, but seeing a dick that is angry at Bing Bing seems to be the best excitement element.Today, the feet have been strictly disciplined because the feet are strictly licking and the toes are a erogenous zone.It’s good when you lick your favorite, but you’ll be scolded when you get a different wind.I’m afraid of reprimanding, but I’m excited to lick the big toes and between my fingers beautifully.Finally, after my body was replaced with a sofa, I was ordered to rub my dick on my soles, and I had a lot of masturbation before I met, but I ejaculated a considerable amount.It was my first time to rub it on the sole of the kyo -sama, but it seemed to be addicted to the propensity to sprinkle a lot in such a sad posture, and I was laughed at ejaculation.We must continue to work hard so that we can make the kyo -sama pour.


这次,这是一个26岁的零件工人,今天是男人。今天高165厘米,脚的大小为27厘米。这是一个沉重的吸烟者,每天吮吸大约2个盒子,并带有可爱的氛围。很长一段时间以来,这是与今天的关系,而当我从事相同的工作场所时,我觉得有时会因性欲强烈的性欲而被称为我。当我还是一名同事时,我不能说我是个变态,但是我注意到我只是在看着今天的鞋底,我发现那是De M.她最初就像S一样,但是在知道自己的倾向之后,她变得更加努力,似乎很有趣。在学科的同时,教导男人的话被暴露并纠正以成为她最喜欢的狗。这次,我约会今天购物后去了酒店,但我走来走去,用闷闷不乐的袜子踩着脸,喷了香烟。弱乳头已经被抑制了,用厚而柔软的舌头舔了舔,这是不可抗拒的。今天,我喜欢深吻,如果吸烟后的香烟口臭被卡在嘴里,我会对它感到兴奋。之后,您可以用大脚踩在头和脸上。这是踩在脸上的最爱,而且鞋底在没有无情的情况下被拍打在脸上,房间很大。被杀死后,脸肿了,足以膨胀,但是看到一个对bing bing生气的家伙似乎是最好的兴奋元素。如今,脚已经严格纪律,因为脚严格舔了舔,脚趾是一个色情的区域。当您舔自己的最爱时,这很好,但是当您有不同的风时,您会被责骂。我害怕谴责,但是我很高兴能舔脚趾,在我的手指之间很好地舔了舔。最后,在我的身体被沙发代替后,我被命令在鞋底上擦鸡巴,在见面之前,我有很多手淫,但是我射精了很多。这是我第一次在Kyo -Sama的鞋底上擦它,但似乎沉迷于在如此悲伤的姿势中撒上很多倾向,而我对射精感到嘲笑。我们必须继续努力工作,以便我们可以使kyo -sama倒入。

