子育てがひと段落した今、自分の幸せを見つけに来ました。古東まりこ 43歳 AV DEBUT
出演者:AV DEBUT(本物人妻)
年齢43歳、職業美容師。子育てが落ち着いた主婦が自分の幸せを求めてAV撮影に応募した。40代とは思えない美貌に、柔らかな胸が魅力的な人妻の名は古東まりこ。初めての面接からテスト撮影、そして本番当日までに密着。8年ぶりのセックスでは少し痛みを感じつつも若かりし日を思い出しながら、快楽に浸っていた。 / 子育てがひと段落した今、自分の幸せを見つけに来ました。古東まりこ 43歳 AV DEBUT
Now that raising children has settled down, I have come to find my happiness.Mariko Koto 43 years old AV Debut
Age 43 years old, professional hairdresser.A calm housewife applied for AV shooting in search of his happiness.The name of a married woman who has a soft breast with a beautiful appearance that is unlikely to be in her forties is Mariko Koto.From the first interview to test shooting, and adhered by the day of the actual performance.In sex for the first time in eight years, I felt a little painful, but I was immersed in pleasure, remembering the young days./ Now that raising children has settled, I came to find my happiness.Mariko Koto 43 years old AV Debut