







「まこ」28才 T159 B:88 W:60 H:88 美容部員 東京在住 タップで見つけた大人の綺麗な女性、とにかく亀レスで会うのに時間がかかり、待ち合わせ場所も渋谷の有名ホテルのラウンジという、ちょっと変わった女性。 会ってみると色気プンプンの美人なEカップお姉さん、年齢は28才で某有名デパートで美容部員しているとか、趣味は映画鑑賞にカメラ撮影と大人な感じ。 飲むと緊張もほぐれ、エロい気分になるというので、飲んでもらいつつ会話を進めると、初オナは小6で初イキし、初体験は高3で、経験人数15人今は彼氏もいるらしく、 秋には結婚も決まっているものの、最後の独身性活を謳歌する為に会ってくれました。男遊びも終わりという事でどういうエッチがしたいか?聞くと、 無茶苦茶になりたいと言うので、詳しく聞くと「思い出的な~」「あとくされのない」と、やはり大人の思考で、どいう風にしたいか?聞くと「めにこられるのが好き」で、 どちらかというとMらしく、今の彼氏には出来ない内容と意味深な感じ、性感帯は「乳首、耳、首、も全部」と話し「舐められたり甘噛みされたり~」「さわさわ」されるのが好きらしく、 期待されているようなので始めます。「オナニーは別物」「寝起きにやりがち」という彼女に、首から触り始めると「やばい~」と感じ始め、服の上からオッパイを触っても喘ぎ、 スイッチオンな様子なので下着にさせると、恥じらいながら脱ぐのが新鮮、脇がツルツルで綺麗なのも職業柄か、お尻もプクッと桃尻で肌も綺麗、全身撫でまわすだけで感じ、 濡れやすいのかパンティーにシミを作り、乳首をいじると敏感に反応し喘ぎ声を出しまくりエロさ満点!!。ソファーに座らせオナニーをせがむと足を自然に広げ、 パンティーの上から指でクリを触り始めるのがエロく、電マを渡すとクリに当て喘ぎ、「気持ちいい~」とお尻をヒクヒクさせ「やばいダメ~」「イっちゃいそ~」「イク~」と激イキ!!。 そのままベチョベチョのオマンコにクンニすると大きな喘ぎ声で感じ、体をよじりながら絶頂。もう一回クンニしても「気持ちいい~」と感じまくり「イクイクイク」と絶叫し絶頂。 間髪入れずウーマナイザーをクリに当てると絶叫し即イキ2連発!!。「クリとれちゃう」言うので見ると、クリが大きくなっているので、クリの上をウーマを当て、その気にさせ、 ウーマを渡すとエロエロになった彼女は自らクリに当て「すぐイッちゃうよ~」と言いながら、快感に浸り一回イっても再び快楽を求め2連続イキ!!。 滅茶苦茶になりたいと言っていた彼女なので、そのままウーマバイブ挿入すると感じまくり体をよじらせ絶叫し絶頂するも終わらせず、挿入し続け激イキ3連発!!。 それでも乳首をいじり体を押さえて、挿入し続けると威の8連続イキ!!。エロ過ぎる痴態を見ていて興奮し、チンコを舐めさせると、感じながらもしゃぶりつき絶頂。 バイブを外して、濡れ濡れのオマンコに肉棒を突き入れると動かしてもいないのに絶頂、敏感でスケベ過ぎる!!。腰を動かし始めると即イキ、イキっぱなしで絶頂が止まりません!!。 それでも「気持ちいい~の」と快楽を求め、腰を振れば振る程イキ続け、チンコを抜くと一瞬素にもどりますが、その後ソファーでのバックでもイキまくり放心状態!!。 正上位で足を上げさせ、奥まで挿入すると激イキ連発!!。一旦休憩しフェラをさせると絶妙な舌使い、全裸にすると嬉しそうにキスをおねだり・・・。 Tシャツの上から笑顔で乳首を責められ、暗黙の促・・・。またもや積極的にディープキスをされ、暴走した彼女の性欲は底なしで、ベッドに向かう途中ルンルン気分な彼女。 2回戦目突入は愛撫からクンニすると絶叫しながら「気持ちいい~」と、敏感なカラダは快感MAX、ウーマバイブBIGからフェラ、騎乗位、足上げ正上位、足抱え正上位、寝バック、 足上げ寝バック、横バック、松葉崩し、窓越しで外を見ながらのバック、バック、正上位でフィニッシュするも、「まだやりたい」と言うので3回戦目突入・・・。 性欲旺盛で快楽を愉しみ、潤沢に湧き出る快感で、無限にイキまくり、ドスケベ全開の痴態を曝け出す、綺麗なお姉さんをご覧ください。 特典映像として見つめられるフェラ抜き動画有り。【サイズ:159/88/60/88】 / まこ



“Mako" 28 years old T159 B:88 W:60 H:88 Beauty consultant Living in Tokyo A beautiful, adult woman found on tap, and it took a long time to meet at Kameless, and the meeting place is also a rather unusual woman, in the lounge of a famous hotel in Shibuya.When I met her, she was a beautiful E-cup lady with a sexy sensuality, and was 28 years old and was a beauty consultant at a certain famous department store, and her hobbies were like watching movies and taking pictures of cameras.Drinking it relieves her tension and makes her feel sexy, so she continues to have a conversation while having her drink, and her first masturbation in sixth grade, her first experience in her third year of high school, and she has 15 people who have had experiences and now she has a boyfriend, so although she has been married in the fall, she meets her to enjoy her last single sex life.Since the men’s play is over, what kind of sex do you want to have?When I asked him, he said he wanted to be crazy, so when I asked him in detail he said, “It’s memorable" or “There’s no aftermath," and he said, “What do you want to do with an adult mindset?When I listened, she said, “I like being brought to my heart," and was more like an M, and she had a meaningful feeling that her current boyfriend couldn’t do, and her erogenous zones were “all of the nipples, ears, neck, and so she liked being licked and gently bitten," and “touched," so she started because she was expected.When she says, “Masturbation is a different thing" and “it’s a bit of a problem when I wake up," she begins to feel “That’s dangerous," and even when I touch her breasts over her clothes, she moans. She seems to be on the switch, so when she puts her underwear in a fresh way, she is very shy and beautiful. Perhaps because of her job, her ass is smooth and beautiful, her butt is peachy ass and her skin is beautiful, and she feels it just by stroked her whole body, and she creates stains on her panties, which is likely to get wet easily, and when she touches her nipples, she reacts sensitively and moans, making her erotic!!.When she sits on the sofa and begs for masturbation, her legs spread naturally, and starts touching her clitoris with her fingers over her panties, it’s erotic, and when she hands her a vibrator she moans, and she twitches her ass, saying, “That’s so good," and she cums in a huge way, saying, “No way no," “I’m coming," and “I’m coming!"!.She licks her pussy and feels a loud moan, and she reaches orgasm while twisting her body.Even after sipping her again, she felt so good that she felt “I’m feeling good" and screamed “I’m coming, I’m coming," and reached an orgasm.Without pausing, she hit the womanizer against her clitoris and screamed and came in two in a row!!.She said, “It’s going to take off," and when I looked at her, she was getting bigger, so she pointed her Uma on top of the clitoris, making her feel like it, and when she handed her, she became sexy and turned to the clitoris herself, “I’m going to cum right away," and she was soaked in pleasure that she cums again, seeking pleasure again and then cums two times in a row!!.She had said she wanted to be crazy, so when she inserted a vibrator, she felt so good that she thrusts and screamed and climaxed, but she didn’t finish, and continued to insert her and had a huge orgasm in a row!!.Even so, she plays with her nipples, holds her body down, and continues inserting them, and she cums in eight consecutive times!!.She gets excited when she sees the erotic lewd behavior, and when she licks her dick, she sucks and reaches orgasms while feeling it.When she removes the vibrator and thrusts the cock into her wet pussy, she reaches orgasm even though she hasn’t moved, and is so sensitive and lewd!!.When I start moving my hips, I cum instantly, and I can’t stop climaxing as I keep cumming!!.Still, she says, “It feels good," and seeks pleasure, and the more she shakes her hips, the more she cums, and once she pulls out her dick, she returns to her real self for a moment, but then she cums on the sofa and is in a daze!!.When she lifts her legs up in the top position, inserts her deep inside and cums in a row!!.Once she takes a break and gives a blowjob, she uses her tongue exquisitely, and when she gets naked she happily begs for a kiss…Her nipples are stimulated with a smile over her T-shirt, and there is an unspoken urging.Once again, she was actively kissed and had a runaway kiss, and her sexual desire was bottomless, and she felt like she was sluggish on her way to bed.When she entered the second round, she screamed after being cunnilingus after caressed, and said, “It feels good," and her sensitive body reached the maximum pleasure, from a blowjob to a cowgirl position, a high-level leg lift, a high-level leg lift, a high-level leg lift, a high-level leg lift, a high-level sleeping, a high-level sleeping, a pine needle collapse, a pine needle collapse, looking out through the window, a high-level sleeping, but she said, “I still want to do it," so she entered the third round…Take a look at this beautiful lady who has a strong sex drive and enjoys pleasure, and with the pleasure that gushs out in abundance, cums endlessly, revealing her lewd, full-blown lewd behavior.There is a video of a blowjob staring at as a bonus footage.[Size: 159/88/60/88] / Mako


“ Mako” 28岁的T159 B:88 W:60 H:88位居住在东京的美容顾问,一个美丽的成年女子被发现,花了很长时间在Kameless见面,聚会场所也是一个相当不寻常的女人,在什叶雅一家著名酒店的休息室里。当我遇到她时,她是一位漂亮的电子杯女士,有性感的性感,当时28岁,是一家著名百货商店的美容顾问,她的爱好就像看电影和拍照相机的照片。喝酒减轻了她的紧张感,使她感到性感,因此她在喝酒时继续进行对话,以及六年级的第一次手淫,在高中三年级的第一次经历,她有15个人有经验,现在有一个男朋友,所以尽管她在秋天结婚,但她享受了她的最后一次性爱生活。既然男士的戏剧已经结束,您想拥有什么样的性爱?当我问他时,他说他想疯了,所以当我详细问他时,他说:“这是令人难忘的”或“没有后果,”他说:“您想对成人的心态做什么?当我听时,她说:“我喜欢被带到我的心中”,更像是M,她有一种有意义的感觉,她现在的男友无法做到,而她的性感区域都是“所有的乳头,耳朵,脖子,所以她喜欢被舔,轻轻地咬,轻轻地咬伤,并“受到感动”,所以她开始了,因为她期望她。当她说“手淫是另一回事”,“当我醒来时,这是一个问题,”她开始感到“危险”,即使我触摸她的乳房,她的and吟着,她似乎在开关,所以当她以一种新鲜的方式使她的屁股变得非常害羞,而且她的屁股很漂亮。 ,她在内裤上产生污渍,这很可能很容易被弄湿,当她触摸乳头时,她敏感地做出反应并mo吟,使自己的色情变色!呢。当她坐在沙发上乞求手淫时,双腿自然张开,开始用手指抚摸她的阴蒂,这是色情的,当她递给她的振动器时,她会mo吟着,她抽搐着她的屁股,说:“那太好了,”,这是一个很好的方式。呢。她舔了舔自己的阴部,感到大声mo吟,在扭曲身体的同时,她达到了性高潮。即使再次s着她,她也感觉很好,以至于她感到“我感觉很好”,尖叫着“我来了,我来了”,达到了高潮。她没有暂停,她击中了女人对着她的阴蒂,尖叫着连续两分!呢。她说:“它会起飞”,当我看着她时,她越来越大,所以她将uma指向阴蒂的顶部,使她感觉像它一样,当她递给她时,她变得性感,然后转向阴蒂自己,我会再次浸透,然后再次浸透了她的乐趣,让她再次融合,她再次变得乐趣,并再次享受了两次的乐趣,然后又有两次,然后又累了!呢。她曾说过自己想疯了,所以当她插入一个振动器时,她感觉很好,以至于她推着,尖叫和高潮,但她没有完成,并继续插入她并连续发生巨大的性高潮!呢。即便如此,她还是用乳头玩耍,保持身体的脚步并继续插入它们,并且连续八次训练!呢。当她看到色情淫荡的行为时,她会感到兴奋,当她舔鸡巴时,她会吮吸并在感觉到时达到性高潮。当她去除振动器并将公鸡推入她的湿猫中时,即使她没有移动,她也达到了性高潮,而且非常敏感和淫荡!呢。当我开始移动臀部时,我会立即暨,当我继续卡明时,我无法停止高潮!呢。她说,“感觉很好”,并寻求快乐,她摇晃臀部的越多,她的训练越多,一旦她拔出鸡巴,她就会返回自己的真实自我,但随后她cum缩在沙发上,发呆!呢。当她将双腿抬高到顶部的位置时,将她的内部深处插入,然后连续训练!呢。一旦她休息一下并给口交,她就会精致地使用舌头,当她赤裸时,她快乐地乞求亲吻…她的乳头在她的T恤上笑着刺激,这是一个不言而喻的敦促。她再次被积极接吻,有一个失控的吻,她的性欲是无底的,她觉得自己在睡觉的路上呆滞。当她进入第二轮比赛后,她在抚摸后尖叫着,说:“感觉很好”,她的敏感身体从吹牛到女牛仔的位置,高级的腿,高级腿抬起,高级腿,高级的腿抬起,高级的镜子,高级的镜子,高级的脚覆盖,一位高级的针线 – 睡觉,但她说:“我仍然想做,”所以她进入了第三轮…看看这个美丽的女士,她的性欲很强,享受了乐趣,并以丰富的娱乐方式无休止地散发出来,揭示了她的淫荡,成熟的le亵行为。有一个视频,吹口交作为奖励镜头。[尺寸:159/88/60/88]/Mako

