





ジャンル: パンチラ 胸チラ 声かけ 人妻 ミニスカート ワンピース 都会のお姉さん 食い込み 街撮り 美尻

後一年で卒業ですが、コロナのおかげでろくに思い出も作れず このまま終わるのがなんとも悔しい。
何か、、面白いことに使えないだろうか、、 足りない頭を捻っていくつか試作品を作ってみました。
とりあえず身内や友人から体験型実験を始めたのですが、案外どれもうまく撮れたので 調子に乗って友人と一緒に街中へ出てみました。
最初は何人もの女性にガン無視されましたが、スタバカードの特典をつけたら ちらほらokしてくれる女神が現れました。
今回のターゲット 日傘をさして優雅な雰囲気
キレイなお姉さんを中から眺めるこの感覚 しばらくやめられそうにありません
使えるところを抜き出して編集したので見にくい部分があるかもしれません ご容赦くださいm(__)m

■モザイク : 場所の特定を防ぐためあり

商品レビューにて顔画像を使用する場合は当方の商品サムネと同等の処理 (モザイク、ぼかし等)を施して頂くようお願いします。
作品を長く続けるため何卒ご協力の程、よろしくお願い致します。 ・本商品には児童ポルノと定義される画像または映像は含まれておりません。
・場所の特定を防ぐため背景にモザイクなどの加工をしてある部分があります ・オリジナル作品につき、無断転載、配布を禁止しております。


[Elegant urban beauty OL] [Brappan round view low angle] [Pink nipple seen during the questionnaire]

I am studying mechanical engineering at university.
I graduated in the next year, but thanks to Corona, I can’t make memories and I’m sorry to end it as it is.
At that time, I saw a micro camera that I handled in the class.
I wonder if it can be used for something interesting, twisted a missing head and made some prototypes.
For the time being, I started experimental experiments from my relatives and friends, but I was able to take any success, so I got on the tone and went out to the city with my friends.
This video is a video when the pedometer is disassembled and built -in, and it is called a street questionnaire as a product under development.
At first, a number of women were ignored by many women, but if they gave the Starbucks card benefits, a goddess who would be OK appeared.
It seems that there is not much vigilance to have them installed by themselves.
Apart from the pedometer, I asked my friend to take a picture of being using it while listening to my impressions appropriately.
Elegant atmosphere with this target parasol
I have a mature bewitching sex appeal
When I called out, he was happy
The contents of your sister are cream -colored and cute embroidery set
Pounding for neat underwear as imagined
After all it is good ~
The beautiful nipples were clearly visible during the questionnaire, so it was the best
This feeling of looking at a beautiful older sister from inside is unlikely to be stopped for a while
There may be parts that are difficult to see because I extracted the usable part and edited it. Please forgive me m (__) m

[Video information]
■ File format: MP4
■ Playback time: 6 minutes 46 seconds
■ Resolution: 1920 x 1080
■ Capacity: 523.1MB
■ Voice: Yes (partially processed, silence)
■ Mosaic: To prevent the location of the location

[To the review site administrator]
If you use a face image in the product review, please apply the same processing (mosaic, blur, etc.) as our product thumbnail.
Thank you for your cooperation so that you can continue your work for a long time.・ This product does not include images or images defined as child pornography.
・ There is a part that has been processed such as mosaic in the background to prevent the location of the location.
・ There are some situations where audio is modified.
