
人妻不倫旅行 再会篇合作版 人妻・桃恵(34才)



出演者:密着生撮り 人妻不倫旅行
GoGo’s Core
新入荷 最新作 素人 人妻 三十路 不倫 旅行 温泉

ひとりの人妻と出会い、一夜を共に過ごし別れた。そして、刻は流れ・・・記憶に残る人妻との邂逅─。人妻桃恵(当時34歳)の最初の旅と、再会を果たした旅の2作品を監督・高橋浩一が編集し収録した合作版第四弾! 「人妻不倫旅行 #155」愛し合う2人に突然降り掛かった災難。事故で記憶障害を患った夫・・・心細さと恐怖を抱えた人妻は背徳の旅へ。 「特別篇 #155続 ~優しい嘘~」3か月後、悲痛な思いに押しつぶされそうな人妻は救いを求めて旅に出た。お互いを想い合う夫婦の純粋な愛の物語が綴られる・・・。 / 人妻不倫旅行 再会篇合作版 人妻・桃恵(34才)


Married Woman affair Travel reunion edition Married woman Momoe (34 years old)

I met a married woman and spent the night together and broke up.And the engraving flows … encounter with a memorable married woman.Director Koichi Takahashi edited and recorded two works, the first journey of married woman Momoe (then 34 years old) and a reunion trip!"Married Woman affair Travel # 155″ A disaster that suddenly fell into two lovers.A husband who suffered from memory impairment in the accident … a married woman with heart and fear went to immoral journey.Three months later, “Special Edition # 155 Continued -Gentle Lies–“, a married woman who was likely to be crushed by a sad feeling went on a trip in search of salvation.A story of pure love of a couple who thinks each other is spelled out./ Married Woman affair Travel reunion part of the publication of a married woman, Momoe (34 years old)


我遇到了一个已婚妇女,在一起过夜,分手了。和雕刻流…与一个令人难忘的已婚妇女相遇。导演柯希·高桥(Koichi Takahashi)编辑并录制了两幅作品,这是已婚妇女Momoe(当时34岁)的第一次旅程和一次聚会之旅!“已婚妇女事务旅行#155”一场灾难突然陷入了两个恋人。一位丈夫在事故中遭受记忆力障碍的苦难……一位怀有内心和恐惧的已婚妇女走了不道德的旅程。三个月后,“特别版#155续-gentle谎言 – ”,这是一名已婚妇女,她可能会因寻找救赎而被悲伤的感觉所粉碎。一个彼此认为彼此的纯粹爱情的故事是阐明的。/已婚妇女事务旅行聚会的一部分是已婚妇女Momoe(34岁)的出版
